
  • Sep 25, 2023
    Yamaha bringt die SMT-Produktion beim Gebäudeautomations-Innovator Vimar voran
    Aufbauend auf den bisherigen Erfolgen steigern die neuesten Sigma-Premium-Bestücker und das YRi-V 3D AOI-System die künftige Produktivität und Qualität
  • Mai 22, 2023
    Yamaha und CORE-emt liefern komplette SMT-Linie an Ouman Estland
    Führender Anbieter intelligenter Gebäudetechnik entscheidet sich für die 1 STOP SMART SOLUTION, um auf dem schnell wachsenden Markt weiter erfolgreich zu sein
  • Mai 15, 2023
    Yamaha sorgt bei RØDE Microphones für modernste Oberflächenmontage-Technologie
    Die Entscheidung für den schnellen und hochfunktionalen YSM20R-Bestücker hat es der renommierten Mikrofon- und Audio-Marke ermöglicht, innovative neue Produkte auf den Markt zu bringen
  • Apr 17, 2023
    Yamaha-Innovationen zur Oberflächenmontage steigern Effizienz und Qualität in der Automobilbranche
    In der Vergangenheit wurden Produktionslinien für die Oberflächenmontage für klar definierte Kundenanforderungen konzipiert: High-Volume/Low-Mix bei Konsumgütern und Low-Volume/High-Mix bei Industriemärkten. Aber was passiert, wenn Volumen und Mix variabel sind und große „Odd-Shaped“-Bauteile sowie extrem hohe Qualitätsansprüche das Szenario zusätzlich verkomplizieren?
  • Sep 12, 2022
    Yamaha liefert 1 STOP SMART SOLUTION Equipment an Faber Electronics
    Niederländischer EMS-Dienstleister entscheidet sich für Druck-, Bestückungs- und Inspektionssysteme von Yamaha, um Qualität, Flexibilität und Produktivität zu steigern.
  • Nov 2, 2021
    Yamahas First-Class Smart-Solution treibt die Hightech-Fertigung in Litauen voran
    Kürzlich wurde Litauen von Bloomberg auf Platz zwei der Weltrangliste für die Effizienz des Dienstleistungssektors eingestuft. Bemerkenswert ist dabei der hohe Bevölkerungsanteil mit Hochschulausbildung und einer Vielzahl fortschrittlicher Entwicklungs- und Produktionsunternehmen. Zu ihnen gehört auch Elgama-Elektronika Ltd. mit Sitz in der Hauptstadt Vilnius.
  • Okt 5, 2021
    Sorgfältige Auswahl der technischen Partner schützt wohlverdienten Ruf
    Wer in Nord- und Westeuropa im Bereich der Elektronikfertigung erfolgreich sein will, muss in jeder Hinsicht ein Höchstmaß an Qualität liefern. Håkan Svensson war sich dessen bewusst, als er 1997
  • Mrz 12, 2021
    Dauerhafte Partnerschaft schafft leistungsfähige Lösungen
    Dauerhafte Partnerschaft schafft leistungsfähige Lösungen Die Yamaha Robotics SMT Section ist ein zuverlässiger Lieferant von Lösungen für die Oberflächenmontage. Sechs Generationen von Hochgeschwindigkeits-Präzisionsbestückern sind in den RSG Elotech-Produktionslinien im Einsatz. Dieser Artikel beleuchtet einige Highlights der langjährigen Verbindung zwischen beiden Unternehmen. Mit bedeutenden Kunden in Bereichen wie der Automobil- und Industrieelektronik ist RSG Elotech versiert im Umgang mit komplexen Montageherausforderungen und Anforderungen an eine fehlerfreie Produktqualität, immense Flexibilität und kurze Durchlaufzeiten. Das Unternehmen unterstützt seine Kunden nicht nur bei der Bewältigung des rasanten technologischen Wandels – die Elektronifizierung revolutioniert das Automobildesign und Industrie 4.0 bringt fortschrittliche cyber-physische Systeme in die Fabrikautomation –, sondern ist auch ein kompetenter Hersteller fortschrittlicher Energiespartechnologien wie hocheffiziente LED-Beleuchtungen. Die konsequente Investition in modernste Fähigkeiten ist ein entscheidender Faktor für seinen Erfolg. Die Bestückung der 2,3 Millionen oberflächenmontierten Bauteile, die täglich auf den neun hochautomatisierten Produktionslinien verarbeitet werden, erfordert hohe Geschwindigkeit, hohe Genauigkeit und höchste Zuverlässigkeit. Nicht einer dieser Aspekte darf fehlen. "Glücklicherweise profitieren wir von der engen Zusammenarbeit mit Yamaha Robotics, einem ausgewählten Partner, dessen zuverlässige Inline-Bestücker eine herausragende Geschwindigkeit und Leistungsfähigkeit mit solider Zuverlässigkeit in unsere Produktion gebracht haben", kommentiert Frank Lauterbach, technischer Leiter von RSG Elotech. Langjährige Partnerschaft Die Verbindung mit Yamaha Robotics ist schon seit langem etabliert. Aktuell laufen im Werk von RSG Elotech in Bad Lobenstein sogar sechs Generationen von Yamaha-Inline-Bestückern in unseren Linien. Die frühen Maschinen aus Yamahas YV- und YV-II-Serien liefern weiterhin hohe Produktivität und arbeiten jetzt neben den neuesten YS- und den modularen Hochgeschwindigkeits-YSM-Maschinen. „Wir haben im Moment 24 Yamaha-Bestücker im Einsatz“, bestätigt Frank Lauterbach, „und wir genießen für jedes einzelne eine hervorragende Unterstützung durch das europäische Yamaha-Service-Team.“ Ralf Bierschenk, Chefingenieur bei Yamaha Robotics, kommentiert: „Wir wissen, dass unsere Kunden den größtmöglichen Ertrag aus jeder Investition erzielen müssen, die sie mit uns tätigen. Das bedeutet, dass wir ältere Maschinen unterstützen, um einen jahrelangen, zuverlässigen Betrieb zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig helfen, die maximale Leistung der neuesten Modelle zu entfalten.“ Das aktuelle Portfolio der Yamaha YSM-Bestücker bietet eine Skalierbarkeit vom Ein-Portal/Ein-Kopf-Gerät YSM10R bis hin zum Z:TAR YSM40R, das vier Portale und vier Köpfe mit einer hochentwickelten Bewegungssteuerung und Hochgeschwindigkeitskameras kombiniert und so die Möglichkeit bietet, bis zu 200.000 Bauteile pro Stunde zu platzieren. Weitere Yamaha-Innovationen wie die vereinfachten Auto-Loading-Feeder (ALF) und das Non-Stop-Feeder-Carriage-Wechselsystem sind einfach zu bedienen und sparen Zeit beim Umrüsten. Der Auto Tray Sequencer (ATS) steigert die Produktivität, indem er das Non-Stop-Laden von Bauteilen in Trays ermöglicht. Yamahas Software-Suite Factory Tools 4.0 hilft den Betreibern bei der Einrichtung und Programmierung der Maschinen sowie bei der Leistungsüberwachung. Die neueste Version enthält das neue Yamaha Dashboard, das das erstklassige Datenanalyse-Know-how von Tableau Software integriert, um die Leistung grafisch darzustellen und bei der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung zu unterstützen. Mit Live-Produktionsanalysen können Anwender ihre Linien in Echtzeit verwalten, während Analysewerkzeuge für Vergangenheitsdaten helfen, wichtige Kennzahlen wie Ausfallzeiten, Rüstzeiten, Pickup-Fehler und Ursachen von Stillständen einfach zu visualisieren. Kundenspezifische Linie für LED-Bestückung Yamaha und RSG Elotech bauten ihre Zusammenarbeit noch weiter aus, indem sie erfolgreich eine spezielle SMT-Linie entwickelten, die die Vorteile der Yamaha-Bestückungsautomaten YS12/YS12F nutzt, um Leiterplatten mit einer Länge von bis zu 1800 mm zu verarbeiten. Diese einzigartige Linie wurde in erster Linie für die Montage großer Arrays von oberflächenmontierten LEDs konzipiert und stärkt die Position des Unternehmens in den Märkten für energiesparende Beleuchtung und Gebäudeautomation, indem sie eine hohe Produktivität und schnelle Durchlaufzeiten ermöglicht. „Unsere technische Abteilung hat zusammen mit dem Team von RSG Elotech spezielle Lösungen für den Leiterplattentransport und die Indexierung entwickelt, die in die Standard-Bestückungs-Plattform integriert sind“, erläutert Ralf Bierschenk. „Zusätzlich haben wir Yamahas automatisierte BIN-Code-Verwaltungssoftware integriert, die uns bei der Programmierung unterstützt. Sie vereinfacht die notorisch komplexe Herausforderung, Unterschiede in den LED-Helligkeiten zu berücksichtigen und hilft dem Produktionsteam, seinen Bestand an LEDs effizient zu verwalten.“ So fasst Bierschenk zusammen: „Die Realisierung dieses Projekts hat die Zusammenarbeit zwischen unseren beiden Unternehmen weiter gestärkt, die zu einem dauerhaften Erfolg geworden ist.“ Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Website Über Yamaha Robotics SMT Section Yamaha Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Section ist eine Abteilung der Yamaha Motor Robotics Business Unit in der Yamaha Motor Corporation und wurde 1984 gegründet. Yamahas Bestücker haben sich im SMD-Markt einen Namen gemacht mit Ihrem "Modul-Konzept", dass sie hervorragend mit dem Trend bei der Bestückung von Leiterplatten, hin zu kleineren und vielfältigeren elektrischen/elektronischen Bauteilen, kombinieren können. Yamaha SMT Section hat einen starken Marktanteil im Bereich der SMD-Bestückung mit über 40.000 (2017) installierten Maschinen. Dies ermöglicht, dass Design und Engineering, Herstellung, Vertrieb und Service in einem umfassenden System durchgeführt werden können. Darüber hinaus hat das Unternehmen seine Kerntechnologien in den Bereichen Servomotor-Steuerung und Bilderkennung für Kamerasysteme für Lotpasten-Drucker, Leiterplatten-Inspektion, Flip-Chip-Hybrid-Bestücker Dispenser und intelligente SMD-Lagersysteme eingebracht. Dies ermöglicht es, eine komplette Linie für die elektrische/elektronische Bauteil-Montage anzubieten, d. h. Yamaha kann den Bedürfnissen der Fertigung mit einer optimalen Auswahl an Systemen begegnen. Yamaha SMT Section verfügt über Vertriebs-und Service-Niederlassungen in Japan, China, Südost-Asien, Europa und Nordamerika und bietet damit ein globales Vertriebs-und Servicenetz mit kurzen lokalen Wegen. Weitere Informationen über Yamaha SMT Section finden Sie unter:  
  • Mrz 2, 2020
    AW Europe, global führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Automotive-Elektronik investiert in überlegene Yamaha-Lotpastendrucktechnologie
    AW, Teil der globalen Aisin-Gruppe, erforscht, entwickelt und produziert hochmoderne Infotainmentsysteme und elektronisch gesteuerte Automatikgetriebe. Das Unternehmen liefert an große europäische und asiatische Automobilhersteller, die extrem hohe Anforderungen an jede von ihren Partnern produzierte Einheit stellen.
  • Okt 18, 2018
    Yamaha installiert seine Total Line-Lösung bei Nidec in Großbritannien
    Die Yamaha Motor Europe IM Division gibt einen Großauftrag für eine komplette SMT-Montagelinie von Control Techniques (Nidec Group) bekannt. Dieser Auftrag beinhaltet u. A. den ersten Kauf von Yamahas neuem Bauteillager-Turm YST15 in Großbritannien. Die Investition wird die Effizienz, Fähigkeit und Montagekapazität des in Newtown (Großbritannien) ansässigen Herstellers moderner Motorsteuerungen und Leistungsumrichter-Technologien erhöhen. Die Hochgeschwindigkeits-SMT-Linie umfasst Yamahas neuesten YSP-Drucker, vier YSM20-Bestücker sowie YSi-V als leistungsstarkes 2D- und 3D-Inspektionssystem mit branchenführender Leistung. Der YST15 Bauteilturm stellt bis zu 1500 Rollen bereit und kann max. 27 Rollen im Batchauftrag ein- oder auslagern. Die Steuerung erfolgt über Yamahas Factory Tools-Software der SMT-Linie. „Unsere neue, hochmoderne Yamaha-Montagelinie mit fortschrittlicher optischer 3D-Inspektion und angeschlossener Bauteillagerung steigert unsere Fähigkeit, zukunftsweisende und kompakte Motorsteuerungen herzustellen und die Lieferleistung und den Wert für die Kunden kontinuierlich zu erhöhen“, sagte Deep Sheth, Leiter Industrial Engineering bei Control Techniques.
  • Feb 6, 2017
    Ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen Mitarbeiter-Qualitäten und modernster Automatisierung
    Der in der Toskana (Italien) beheimatete EMS-Dienstleister MB Elettronica hat sich immer wieder für SMT-Equipment von Yamaha entschieden, um sich einen technologischen Vorteil zu verschaffen, der die Investitionen des Unternehmens in seine Mitarbeiter ergänzt.
  • Jun 28, 2016
    C-LED und Yamaha Intelligent Machines: gemeinsam an die Spitze der LED Beleuchtungsbranche
    Die weltweite Umstellung der Beleuchtung auf die LED-Technologie bietet den Elektronikherstellern eine einmalige Möglichkeit, einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Verringerung der CO2-Emissionen zu leisten und somit das Lebens- und Arbeitsumfeld der Menschen überall zu revolutionieren.
  • Jan 28, 2016
    GR Elettronica Boosts Capabilities with Yamaha Intelligent Machinery for Established and Potential Clients
    Contract manufacturing, like most areas of industry, has encountered tough conditions during the recent economic recession. GR Elettronica, based in Osimo near Ancona in Italy, has invested consistently in technologies and skills throughout the period, but has made an even larger commitment in 2015 by installing a complete new Yamaha Total Line Solution based on the Yamaha Motor IM intelligent SMT assembly system. “We decided that bold action was necessary,” explains Ms Simonetta Giuliodori, President of GR Elettronica. “We could see that the economic situation was not improving quickly. Instead of waiting for better times, we took action to establish a clear technical lead in the marketplace and position ourselves to win next-generation advanced projects.” Executing this strategy took Simonetta Giuliodori and her team from GR Elettronica to Yamaha IM in Neuss, Germany, at the invitation of Luigi Mancini, Business Manager for Mancini Enterprise, which is the Yamaha IM sales representative in Italy. Luigi Mancini observes, “The Yamaha intelligent assembly system prioritises efficiency, flexibility and quality, presenting an ideal platform for GR Elettronica to strengthen its position and address new market sectors.” Seeing is Deciding At the Yamaha IM headquarters, the visitors were able to see for themselves the advanced machine capabilities and understand Yamaha’s intelligent system concept that helps enhance both quality and productivity. The Yamaha YSP printer gives flexibility to maintain process control with the unique 3S (swing single squeegee) head, which varies the squeegee angle automatically to accommodate changes such as paste exposure and stencil cleaning cycles. With its advanced Print Stability Control and high-speed inspection camera, the YSP is designed to solve today’s most exacting printing challenges, such as depositing paste for LGA packages or 03015 (0.3mmx0.15mm) passives. The latest Yamaha IM mounters, including the YS12 and 2-beam 2-head YS24 are able to handle a wide range of package types, including small electrolytic capacitors and ICs up to 32mm x 32mm. The YS24X can accept larger components, such as QFP ICs, large electrolytic and connectors up to 100mm long or 15mm high. Yamaha’s one-head solution ensures optimum speed and flexibility when working with all component types. In addition, Yamaha’s Multiple Accuracy Compensation System (MACS) makes automatic adjustments to keep accuracy within 10µm at all times. The team from GR Elettronica also saw the YSi-12 optical inspection station in action, with its multi-angle, multi-wavelength optics including infrared for maximum defect-detection capability. Additional laser-based vertical displacement checking enhances detection of partially lifted components or leads, and enhanced checking for horizontal alignment eliminates the effects of variations in pad size or shape. “We felt immediately that we had to have these capabilities, and moved quickly to place an order,” says Simonetta Giuliodori, firmly. “We were especially inspired to see how the common software platform unifies all machines in the line, which helps streamline routine actions such as programming. This and the closed-loop feedback with QA Option software, which yields a significant improvement in quality control, were major factors that ultimately influenced our decision.”The common software platform underlying Yamaha’s intelligent SMT assembly system allows rich data communication between all machines in the line. This dramatically simplifies routine tasks such as machine programming. One-click generation of AOI programs for the YSi-12, for example, boosts engineering productivity and eliminates human intervention which is known to be a major reason for errors in manually generated programs. QA Option takes advantage of the rich interfaces between the Yamaha intelligent machines to analyse streaming data in real-time and use AOI results to trace back of any defects to their point of origin. The system is able to identify the exact cause of the defect, giving operators the option to stop the line immediately or wait until the next convenient opportunity, depending on the seriousness of the problem. The New Line Delivers Taking advantage of Yamaha’s Risk-Free Purchase terms, GR Elettronica ordered a YSP printer, YS12, YS24 and YS24X mounters, and a YSi-12 optical inspection machine for delivery in early 2015. Yamaha has also supplied the QA Option software. “We usually schedule any major equipment upgrades for times when we are less busy, such as during summer breaks or after Christmas, but the time was right to move forward as quickly as possible, and we decided to commit to the change while we were engaged in a high level of activity with our current clients,” explains Simonetta Giuliodori. “It was a great effort for all of us, but we succeeded and the result is already proving extremely rewarding.” Since installing its new Yamaha line, GR Elettronica is positioned more strongly than ever to win prestigious contracts in sectors such as industrial, automotive, high-end audio/video, wireless/wireline communications, medical electronics and military. In particular, the automotive sector is a key target market. The company is now in a position to invite audits from the leading names including car makers. “Our new line gives us technical capabilities that can stand up to any competition.” By taking advantage of its new Yamaha Total Line Solution with advanced technologies and rigorous process disciplines throughout the enterprise, GR Elettronica is able to set very aggressive objectives in terms of ppm rates “This allows us to be disruptive in our target markets, as it is very unusual in Italy for a company of our size to be able to achieve such impressive ppm rates and maintain this level consistently in volume production,” comments Simonetta Giuliodori.“We have enjoyed highly attentive and knowledgeable support from Yamaha to help us understand the finer points of the new line and achieve the maximum possible performance. This has given us the confidence to promise very high performance standards for our customers, knowing that we will be able to satisfy their requirements completely.” Now equipped with the intelligent SMT system from Yamaha, GR Elettronica will soon complete its IOS TS certification, which will further enhance its credentials in the automotive sector, and has already invited audits from new potential customers. “We are working with customers who are the leading brands in their respective markets,” confirms Simonetta Giuliodori. “Our boldness, in making this major investment with Yamaha IM in new and advanced technology, is already delivering excellent results.” About Yamaha Robotics SMT Section Yamaha Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Section is a subdivision of Yamaha Motor Robotics Business Unit in Yamaha Motor Corporation. Yamaha surface mount equipment is highly acclaimed in the market for their “module concept” that enables them to keep pace with the trend toward smaller and more diverse electric/electronic parts being mounted on circuit boards. Yamaha SMT Section has created a strong business in the surface mount industry that enables design and engineering, manufacture, sales and service to be conducted in one comprehensive system. Furthermore, the Company has used its core technologies in the areas of servo-motor control and image recognition technology for vision (camera) systems to develop solder paste printers, 3D solder paste inspection, 3D PCB inspection machines, flip chip hybrid placers and dispensers. This allows Yamaha SMT Section to offer a full line of machines for electric/electronic parts mounting and propose optimum production-line makeup to answer the diversifying needs of today’s manufacturers. Yamaha SMT Section has sales and service offices in Japan, China, Southeast Asia, Europe and North America provide a truly global sales and service network that will safeguard best in class on-site sales & service support for clients. Contact info Oumayma Grad Marketing Communications Manager Hansemannstraße 12 41468 Neuss Germany Office: +49 2131 2013 538 Mobile: +49 1517 0233 297 Fax: +49 2131 2013 550 Email: Web:
  • Mrz 19, 2015
    HBS Electronics: New Manufacturing Startup Hits the Ground Running, with Industry’s Best Technology
    Europe’s high-tech manufacturers are thriving by taking advantage of the latest industrial technology to maximise their technical capabilities, flexibility, quality and productivity. Launching into this competitive environment, new UK-based startup HBS Electronics has built its brand new SMT line with high-specification Yamaha equipment to secure a leading position. HBS Electronics is a new division of successful aerospace equipment innovator MEL Group. Having identified the opportunity for advanced and flexible SMT assembly in the south of the UK, MEL Managing Director Gary Harvey moved quickly to get the people he needed to start the company. First choice was Dave Carroway to lead the venture, tasked with starting up from an available unit in Medstead near Winchester, Hampshire. Dave Carroway shows off the new SMT line at HBS Electronics in Medstead, Hampshire. Since commissioning its new premises, HBS Electronics has successfully delivered first prototypes of an advanced noise-cancelling aircraft headset for a government defence project. A production order is expected soon. “We finalised the prototype design here using our in-house CAD facilities. It’s more technically advanced and better priced than headsets currently in service, and the fast turnaround we can deliver on production orders should give us an extra edge over competing bids,” says Dave Carroway. One reason for his confidence is the brand new Yamaha SMT line that he can see on the other side of his office window in the new factory. “As a startup with few restrictions and no legacy equipment to influence our decisions, we were free to choose the best possible equipment for our requirements,” he explains. “When it came to the SMT equipment, we studied all the available options and chose Yamaha for superior performance, advanced capabilities and line-wide integration.” The Line in Detail On the pristine factory floor at HBS Electronics, a high-specification Yamaha YSP printer with PSC (Print Stability Control) and full vision inspection feeds a combination of YS12 and YS88 mounters that give placement capacity of up to 44,000 cph. This should deliver enough throughput to meet the needs of HBS’s target customers, who are OEMs in sectors such as aerospace, automotive and high-end industrial with low- to mid-volume requirements and a demand for advanced assembly capabilities, short delivery times and fast, flexible response. With 108 feeder positions for the YS12 mounter, plus up to 60 feeders on the YS24 with an extra 30 tray feeders to handle odd-form components, HBS has the flexibility to build assemblies that have high component count and contain a wide range of component types. The high feeder capacities also allow faster product changeovers. The Yamaha machines feed a 10-zone Electrovert Omni 10 oven at the end of the surface-mount line. The YSP printer at the head of the line has Yamaha’s 3S (Swing Single Squeegee) head and vacuum stencil alignment, which together help ensure optimum repeatability under all manufacturing conditions. In addition, the print stability control (PSC) monitors and dispenses solder paste automatically to maintain condition and ensure consistent paste-roll volume for optimum aperture filling. In addition, integrated full vision inspection helps operators identify and fix the causes of any print defects quickly and economically. The HBS team is also considering adding a YSi-12 inline inspection station for post-mounting inspection. The YSi-12, which has visible-light and infrared inspection as well as a laser for z-axis measurement, provides defect-detection data for Yamaha’s QA Option software. QA Option compares inspection results with the mounter output files to provide real-time alerts with rich diagnostics that can pinpoint the causes of any defects, such as a blocked nozzle or incorrectly loaded feeder. Making it Happen The YSi-12 is an option for the future. Dave Carroway’s primary concern has been to get the new line up and running as productively as possible, and he has been delighted at the commitment from Yamaha to help achieve it. “Over the course of the project Yamaha has made three field engineers available to us, to help install and commission the line, and provide training including how to get the best from the software,” he says. “We have also received valuable help to choose the right feeders for our needs.” All the Yamaha machines in HBS’s line are run and coordinated by Yamaha’s P-Tool data-programming software, part of Yamaha’s modular Factory Automation Software suite. P-Tool enables offline programming of the entire line, and interacts via a single user interface that is convenient and easy to understand. “Offline programming helps minimise changeover times and reduce setup costs, and is a key factor enabling us to offer very competitive pricing for customers,” says Gordon Traviss, Production Manager at HBS. “The CAD-BOM data import is smooth and accurate, and the setup optimisation tools are very easy to use,” he adds. P-Tool features a visual editor that provides virtual sticky tape functionality, and also includes line-balancing utilities for factories with multiple Yamaha SMT lines. The Factory Automation suite also contains optional modules for real-time line monitoring and reporting (M-Tool), setup navigation (S-Tool) and traceability to lot, unit and component levels (T-Tool). Looking Ahead In addition to its automated SMT line, HBS has invested in even more equipment to support a full range of services including through-hole assembly, manual visual inspection, conformal coating, wiring and box build. The new company can also deliver PCB design and Design for Manufacture/Test (DFM/DFT) services, and has its own in-house software development expertise. HBS is able to leverage its links with MEL Group to maximise efficiency and productivity. Leveraging MEL’s group-wide quality-management system provides the benefits of AS9100 certification as well as extensive American and European defence-procurement endorsements. The central MEL procurement system handles purchasing and kitting, and ships completed kits to HBS ready for production. “This allows us to stay lean, and focus on our core activities, which ultimately delivers great value for customers,” says Dave Carroway. “With Yamaha’s help, we were able to get the factory up and running from a standing start in less than eight weeks. We are already working on improvements for the future and planning to expand the factory into the adjacent unit. I’m looking forward to having Yamaha’s support to make the next phase of our evolution as successful as the first.” About Yamaha Robotics SMT Section Yamaha Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Section is a subdivision of Yamaha Motor Robotics Business Unit in Yamaha Motor Corporation. Yamaha surface mount equipment is highly acclaimed in the market for their “module concept” that enables them to keep pace with the trend toward smaller and more diverse electric/electronic parts being mounted on circuit boards. Yamaha SMT Section has created a strong business in the surface mount industry that enables design and engineering, manufacture, sales and service to be conducted in one comprehensive system. Furthermore, the Company has used its core technologies in the areas of servo-motor control and image recognition technology for vision (camera) systems to develop solder paste printers, 3D solder paste inspection, 3D PCB inspection machines, flip chip hybrid placers and dispensers. This allows Yamaha SMT Section to offer a full line of machines for electric/electronic parts mounting and propose optimum production-line makeup to answer the diversifying needs of today’s manufacturers. Yamaha SMT Section has sales and service offices in Japan, China, Southeast Asia, Europe and North America provide a truly global sales and service network that will safeguard best in class on-site sales & service support for clients. Contact info Oumayma Grad Marketing Communications Manager Hansemannstraße 12 41468 Neuss Germany Office: +49 2131 2013 538 Mobile: +49 1517 0233 297 Fax: +49 2131 2013 550 Email: Web:
  • Mrz 19, 2015
    GR Elettronica Invests in Complete New Yamaha SMT
    Targeting Business Growth through Advanced Capabilities, Productivity and Quality. Strongly committed to enhancing its leadership not only in Italy but also in Europe, GR Elettronica is glad to announce its strategic cooperation with Yamaha Motor IM Europe GmbH. Over three days, from January 28-30, delegates talked business, toured the newly opened 52,000m2 factory, and took time out at Yamaha Communication Plaza – the exhibition facility Yamaha created to share its pursuit of kando* through the exciting products of the past, present, and future. Such cooperation will shortly translate into the implementation of a new complete SMT production line aimed not only to remarkably reduce production failure rates but also to cut the relevant costs, thus setting a new technological standard in the entire EMS industry for businesses whose sizes are comparable to GR Elettronica’s. The line is made up of the YSP screen printer, latest-generation mounters, and pre-reflow AOI with closed-loop software allowing the prompt identification of even tiny problems in key pre-reflow processes. This operating mode paves the way for an entirely new concept of “rework” as it has been understood so far. In addition Yamaha’s unified manufacturing and control software links the entire line, which enables GR Elettronica to significantly revise its production process aiming at an ideal combination of Total Quality (Zero Failure Trend) and highly-competitive production efficiency. The availability of the technology as combined with GR Elettronica’s own operating features undoubtedly is a unique chance OEMs seeking a European EMS partner that sets a benchmark in terms of production quality, sustainable costs, reduced downtime, and rapid handling of manufacturing processes for unbeatable Time To Market. GR Elettronica can also assure absolutely certain production repeatability in the case of several batches of the same product distributed over time, hand in hand with total traceability. Always with a view to continuous improvement, which GR Elettronica deems to be the only way towards full customer satisfaction. “The choice of Yamaha stems from the amazing like-minded interaction between a Japanese giant and an Italian SME such as GR Elettronica in fully meeting our production and support requirements” said GR Elettronica President Ms Simonetta Giuliodori. The Yamaha YS series is a complete, intelligent SMT assembly system comprising the YSP precision printer, modular high-speed, general-purpose and wide-range component mounters offering placement capability up to 72k-50k cph (IPC9850), and the YSi-12 and YSi-S high-speed precision hybrid inspectors for inline or standalone AOI. Key features of the YS series include advanced print capabilities with print stability control, vision inspection and 3S swing-squeegee head for optimum process control. The mounters have compact dimensions allowing superb area productivity and large feeder capacity, and maintain their consistent precision with Yamaha’s advanced Multiple Accuracy Compensation System. As a complete, intelligent system, the YS SMT line benefits from productivity-boosting features such as one-click AOI program creation. Yamaha’s control and monitoring software unifies the YS line, promoting seamless interactions, helping minimise setup and changeover times, and supporting traceability and continuous improvement. In addition, Yamaha’s closed-loop technology feeds back data from pre-reflow 2D inspection, allowing real-time diagnostics to pinpoint the root cause of any detected defect. The software’s built-in long-term analysis capabilities also allow predictive maintenance, which helps maximise productivity and minimise equipment downtime. “Yamaha’s approach is always to cooperate closely with our customers and maintain long-term commitment, to help them gain the maximum competitive advantage using our advanced technologies. Working together, to be stronger, is the surest route to success in today’s market,” said Yamaha Europe General Manager SMT Business Group Mr Patrick de Wit. GR Elettronica is an Italian company with more than 40 years‘ experience in electronic manufacturing contract services. It has the most appropriate size, know-how and technological characteristics to meet the production requirements of innovative industries such as Telecom/Datacom, Industrial Controls, Medical, Military, and Automotive. GR Elettronica can handle the entire production flow: from the procurement and tracking of electronic/electromechanical components and plastic and/or mechanical parts to assembling (SMT, PoP, THT), testing, packaging and after sales support/maintenance of boards or finished items. Besides being ISO 9001-certified and an IPC member, it has been granted Rating 1 by Cribis and its ISO TS certification process is currently under way – to be completed in 2015. About Yamaha Robotics SMT Section Yamaha Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Section is a subdivision of Yamaha Motor Robotics Business Unit in Yamaha Motor Corporation. Yamaha surface mount equipment is highly acclaimed in the market for their “module concept” that enables them to keep pace with the trend toward smaller and more diverse electric/electronic parts being mounted on circuit boards. Yamaha SMT Section has created a strong business in the surface mount industry that enables design and engineering, manufacture, sales and service to be conducted in one comprehensive system. Furthermore, the Company has used its core technologies in the areas of servo-motor control and image recognition technology for vision (camera) systems to develop solder paste printers, 3D solder paste inspection, 3D PCB inspection machines, flip chip hybrid placers and dispensers. This allows Yamaha SMT Section to offer a full line of machines for electric/electronic parts mounting and propose optimum production-line makeup to answer the diversifying needs of today’s manufacturers. Yamaha SMT Section has sales and service offices in Japan, China, Southeast Asia, Europe and North America provide a truly global sales and service network that will safeguard best in class on-site sales & service support for clients. Contact info Oumayma Grad Marketing Communications Manager Hansemannstraße 12 41468 Neuss Germany Office: +49 2131 2013 538 Mobile: +49 1517 0233 297 Fax: +49 2131 2013 550 Email: Web:
  • Aug 15, 2014
    Yamaha Factory Tools Innovations
    Measure to Improve Performance Monitor Tool Upgrades Bring New Energy to Kaizen. The latest upgrades to M-Tool line-monitoring software, part of feature-rich Yamaha Factory Tools (Y.Fact) assembly management suite, provide powerful reporting capabilities for operators, managers and directors, giving all the information needed to keep lines running smoothly and ensure that kaizen – continuous improvement – can deliver the best possible results. Yamaha’s Y.FacTassembly managementsoftware is a powerful and affordable toolset that addresses every aspect of setting up, operating and continuously improving surface-mount production. This modular suite comprises P-Tool for programming, S-Tool for setup navigation, T-Tool for traceability, and M-Tool for monitoring and data analysis. The latest upgrades to M-Tool add advanced database-management and user-interface features to support real-time monitoring and historical analysis, which enable operators and managers to keep lines productive and sustain the drive to continuously improve. Hochkant und Querkant max. Breite 600px Mancini Enterprise Group received the Yamaha Motor Europe Most Valuable Distributor Award 2019 from Mr Ryosuke Nakamura, Yamaha Motor Europe Branch Manager. Hochkant und Querkant max. Breite 600px Mr Zoltan Szilassi received the Yamaha Motor Europe Most Valuable Service Award 2019 on behalf of his company, Elas, from Mr Ryosuke Nakamura, Yamaha Motor Europe Branch Manager. Hochkant und Querkant max. Breite 600px Mr Zoltan Szilassi received the Yamaha Motor Europe Most Valuable Service Award 2019 on behalf of his company, Elas, from Mr Ryosuke Nakamura, Yamaha Motor Europe Branch Manager. Contact info Oumayma Grad Marketing Communications Manager Hansemannstraße 12 41468 Neuss Germany Office: +49 2131 2013 538 Mobile: +49 1517 0233 297 Fax: +49 2131 2013 550 Email: Web: Floor Monitor Boosts Real-Time Responsiveness Within the M-Tool user interface, the new Floor Monitor application gives a clear graphical read-out for multiple SMT lines that allows at-a-glance assessment of each line’s status and production progress. Colour-coded indicators show working, idle or stopped status for each line. Production progress is displayed as the number of boards produced and remaining, as well as the anticipated completion time for each lot. With the benefit of this information, production teams can confidently coordinate actions such as changeovers and maintenance for maximum efficiency. Figure 1 shows how the M-Tool Floor Monitor provides an overview of the status of each line, empowering supervisors to take immediate action to fix errors and restart any stopped or idle lines. Line Monitor Also new to M-Tool, Line Monitor supports in-depth data analysis capabilities that record production results and help identify the causes of line stops to coordinate continuous improvement. Such causes may be problems related to components, mounter heads, feeder identification, or a feeder setup error.Line Monitor’s detailed and precise graphical reports allow users to pinpoint the reason, duration and time of occurrence for any stoppages quickly and clearly. Comprehensive historical data is available for each lot, including machine setup details, statistics, and easy-to-read graphical trend analysis that provides valuable intelligence about events that influence productivity. Figure 2 shows how Line Monitor can display production details and statistics for each lot, and present a graphical trend analysis that provides a fast and easy means of understanding the reasons behind any stoppages that may have delayed completion.Line Monitor provides further powerful features to help sort the causes of stoppages. A variety of graphical reports are available, which help identify the most frequently occurring errors and assess machine utilisation in terms of the proportion of time spent operating correctly and the proportion of correct component picks.The grouped bar chart shown at the top of figure 3 shows the operating performance of each mounter, while the stacked bar chart seen in the centre helps pinpoint the most frequent causes of errors. The bottom graph helps assess the impact of each error on overall machine stoppage time. By presenting information using these intuitive, colour-coded diagrams, M-Tool Line Monitor helps production directors assign precious human resources efficiently to ensure effective continuous improvement. By comparing before and after information, using Line Monitor, teams can verify the effects of each action and thereby demonstrate continuous improvement to all stakeholders. Conclusion The powerful new features of Yamaha’s M-Tool give operators, managers and directors in today’s electronic manufacturing organisations the information they need to improve productivity and quality, by responding in real-time on the factory floor and through efficient pursuit of continuous improvement. About Yamaha Robotics SMT Section Yamaha Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Section is a subdivision of Yamaha Motor Robotics Business Unit in Yamaha Motor Corporation. Yamaha surface mount equipment is highly acclaimed in the market for their “module concept” that enables them to keep pace with the trend toward smaller and more diverse electric/electronic parts being mounted on circuit boards. Yamaha SMT Section has created a strong business in the surface mount industry that enables design and engineering, manufacture, sales and service to be conducted in one comprehensive system. Furthermore, the Company has used its core technologies in the areas of servo-motor control and image recognition technology for vision (camera) systems to develop solder paste printers, 3D solder paste inspection, 3D PCB inspection machines, flip chip hybrid placers and dispensers. This allows Yamaha SMT Section to offer a full line of machines for electric/electronic parts mounting and propose optimum production-line makeup to answer the diversifying needs of today’s manufacturers. Yamaha SMT Section has sales and service offices in Japan, China, Southeast Asia, Europe and North America provide a truly global sales and service network that will safeguard best in class on-site sales & service support for clients.
  • Mai 28, 2014
    Yamaha Boosts Support for Italian Customers with New Surface-Mount Demonstration Centre in Northern Italy
    Yamaha Motor IM Europe has opened its new demonstration center in northern Italy, working with Italian sales partner Mancini Enterprise and technical collaborator AEB Robotics to provide a convenient facility enabling customers to see the latest innovations in surface-mount automation. The center showcases Yamaha’s Trusted Solutions covering fine-pitch printing, precision high-speed placement, final assembly, automated optical and X-ray inspection, and productivity-boosting software. Its location, at AEB Robotics’ headquarters in Reggio Emilia, near Bologna, enhances scope to demonstrate solutions for advanced manufacturing challenges next to AEB’s complementary technologies for laser-marking, dispensing, de-panelling, and table-top robots. “Our new demonstration center will help us build closer relationships with the high-tech communities in northern Italy and nearby areas, by enabling visitors to see our advanced solutions in action and discover all the information they need from our experts on the spot,” said Nobuyuki Nishizawa, General Manager, Yamaha Intelligent Machines Europe. “We are pleased to welcome Yamaha to AEB Robotics, we believe that our collaboration with Yamaha is the result of an important synergy. We are confident that this team of professionals will cooperate successfully to Bring added value to customers said Antonia Fiaccadori CEO for AEB Technologies S.p.a. “Yamaha now has a natural home in Italy, which will enable us to grow our business and further improve our services and support,” said Luigi Mancini , General Manager, Mancini Enterprise. About Yamaha Motor Intelligent Machines: Yamaha Motor IM is a subdivision of Yamaha Motor Corporation. Yamaha IM surface mounters are highly acclaimed in the market for their “module concept” that enables them to keep pace with the trend toward smaller and more diverse electric/electronic parts being mounted on circuit boards. Yamaha Motor IM has created a strong business in the surface mounter industry that enables design and engineering, manufacture, sales and service to be conducted in one comprehensive system. Furthermore, the Company has used its core technologies in the areas of servo-motor control and image recognition technology for vision (camera) systems to develop solder paste printers, printed circuit board inspection machines, flip chip hybrid placers and dispensers. This allows Yamaha Motor IM to offer a full line of machines for electric/electronic parts mounting and propose optimum production-line makeup to answer the diversifying needs of today’s manufacturers. Yamaha Motor IM has sales and service offices in Japan, China, Southeast Asia, Europe and North America, providing a truly global sales and service network that will safeguard best in class on-site sales & service support for clients. About AEB Robotics: AEB Robotics is a Business unit of AEB Technologies S.p.a., established in 2003, develops and manufactures industrial automation systems characterized by high precision and repeatability, and extremely easy to program and use. Due to its experience on assembling process and its control on mechanical engineering and realization, AEB Robotics is able to comply with customer’s needs for realization and development of product assembly lines. Modular applications are the solution to minimize machine timing, with a minimum assembly line dimension. Starting from a specific request from a customer, AEB Robotics carries out a feasibility analysis, designs the machine and realize the application, always maintaining a close cooperation with the customer during all stages. About Yamaha Mancini Enterprise: Mancini Enterprise is a young, fast and strong organization build for supply solutions to customer in electronics manufacturing in Italy. The experience, more than 20 years, and the capability to support customer is the key element if you want to manufacture without problems and Mancini enterprise can help you. The team of professional salesman and professional service support is the strong added value of Mancini Enterprise: problems here becomes opportunities. With Yamaha, AEB robotics and others partner is now the reference company in Italy for sales and support SMD manufacturing. About Yamaha Robotics SMT Section Yamaha Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Section is a subdivision of Yamaha Motor Robotics Business Unit in Yamaha Motor Corporation. Yamaha surface mount equipment is highly acclaimed in the market for their “module concept” that enables them to keep pace with the trend toward smaller and more diverse electric/electronic parts being mounted on circuit boards. Yamaha SMT Section has created a strong business in the surface mount industry that enables design and engineering, manufacture, sales and service to be conducted in one comprehensive system. Furthermore, the Company has used its core technologies in the areas of servo-motor control and image recognition technology for vision (camera) systems to develop solder paste printers, 3D solder paste inspection, 3D PCB inspection machines, flip chip hybrid placers and dispensers. This allows Yamaha SMT Section to offer a full line of machines for electric/electronic parts mounting and propose optimum production-line makeup to answer the diversifying needs of today’s manufacturers. Yamaha SMT Section has sales and service offices in Japan, China, Southeast Asia, Europe and North America provide a truly global sales and service network that will safeguard best in class on-site sales & service support for clients. Contact info Oumayma Grad Marketing Communications Manager Hansemannstraße 12 41468 Neuss Germany Office: +49 2131 2013 538 Mobile: +49 1517 0233 297 Fax: +49 2131 2013 550 Email: Web:
  • Mai 9, 2014
    Yamaha Wins in Great Britain
    UK-based Interconics, which provides high-end electronic manufacturing services for customers such as supercar builders, the military and semiconductor manufacturers, is the proud owner of a complete new Yamaha surface-mount line, chosen to help the company win ultra high-tech contracts that demand the most advanced inline assembly capabilities available today. Interconics made the switch to Yamaha having been impressed by the powerful easy to use factory-automation software and taking advantage of Try Before You Buy. The YSP screen printer, YS12 and YS12F mounters and YSi-12 hybrid optical/laser inspection with 10µm resolution are now in full-time use at Interconics’ Atworth, Wiltshire, factory. Managing Director David Weston tells us more. “As the recession is ending, our customers are coming to us with new proposals that involve incredibly high PCB feature resolution and the most advanced chip and IC packages, which are beyond the capabilities of much of the surface-mount equipment currently installed in the UK. “We handled the recession well and are now in a strong position to make the investment in new equipment that is vital to win these contracts. Our new Yamaha line gives the high resolution, high accuracy and precision, and the potential for high-speed throughput that we need, and the unified software environment greatly simplifies programming of all machines. We can generate inspection programs directly from assembly CAD data, for example, which saves a huge amount of time. Moreover, Yamaha offers a special 8-year warranty that allows us to calculate our ownership costs for the effective lifetime of the equipment, which gives us the control we need to make sure we are always in a strong financial position.” Pushing the Boundaries with Advanced 3D X-Ray To help develop and monitor highly repeatable processes for advanced packages such as LGA and fine-pitch QFN, Interconics has recently taken delivery of the first Yamaha YSi-X 3D X-ray inspection machine to be installed in Europe. The YSi-X represents today’s pinnacle of X-ray capability for surface-mount production, and uses computed laminography to generate more accurate cross-sectional solder-joint images than can be achieved using 2D or conventional tomographic 3D radiology. “With packages like LGA, the solder joints are completely inaccessible to human or automated optical inspection. Still, we need comprehensive inspection data because voiding in solder joints is a tremendous challenge,” Weston explains. The underside of a package like LGA or QFN is ultra flat, with large pads and very low standoff height. There is little provision for vaporised flux to escape during reflow, which can result in random outgassing causing voids or blowing solder away from surrounding joints. There are minimum allowable standards for voiding in solder joints, but Interconics needed an accurate and reliable means of verifying compliance. David Weston continues, “We have a lot of experience with X-ray inspection, and knew we would need significantly more advanced equipment to help perfect our assembly processes for LGAs and QFNs and verify the quality of production units. “The YSi-X takes X-ray inspection to a new level. In fact, there is a steep learning curve to understand how to optimise the settings and interpret the data and images. I’ve been really impressed at the resources Yamaha is making available to help us achieve it. Actually we are climbing this learning curve together, and there’s a feeling of sharing the excitement, of pushing the boundaries and redefining the limits of what we can do.” About Yamaha Robotics SMT Section Yamaha Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Section is a subdivision of Yamaha Motor Robotics Business Unit in Yamaha Motor Corporation. Yamaha surface mount equipment is highly acclaimed in the market for their “module concept” that enables them to keep pace with the trend toward smaller and more diverse electric/electronic parts being mounted on circuit boards. Yamaha SMT Section has created a strong business in the surface mount industry that enables design and engineering, manufacture, sales and service to be conducted in one comprehensive system. Furthermore, the Company has used its core technologies in the areas of servo-motor control and image recognition technology for vision (camera) systems to develop solder paste printers, 3D solder paste inspection, 3D PCB inspection machines, flip chip hybrid placers and dispensers. This allows Yamaha SMT Section to offer a full line of machines for electric/electronic parts mounting and propose optimum production-line makeup to answer the diversifying needs of today’s manufacturers. Yamaha SMT Section has sales and service offices in Japan, China, Southeast Asia, Europe and North America provide a truly global sales and service network that will safeguard best in class on-site sales & service support for clients. Contact info Oumayma Grad Marketing Communications Manager Hansemannstraße 12 41468 Neuss Germany Office: +49 2131 2013 538 Mobile: +49 1517 0233 297 Fax: +49 2131 2013 550 Email: Web: